Messaging Healthcheck

Performance optimization for messaging and communication businesses
Mobilesquared’s independent Messaging Healthcheck service uses a unique 10-point check we have developed based on our industry-leading market data, and tracking of fraud risk across 200 markets, to independently assess how well your communication business is performing.
Whether you are a mobile operator, aggregator, CPaaS provider, or enterprise, our Messaging Healthcheck can identify your strengths and weaknesses based on our total weighted score benchmarked against national data.
We take into account the overall health of the A2P SMS market, the amount of fraud-free vs fraudulent traffic on a specific MNO network (from a mobile operator, enterprise and consumer perspective). Plus additional factors that determine the health of your business messaging strategy such as; exclusivity agreements, excessively high termination rates, sustainability of business messaging model, OTT channels as threat/opportunity, and maturity of business messaging evolution (including pathway to RCS).
The result?
A bespoke report revealing your position in the market and detailing a series of strategic recommendations to address your operating challenges, improve your performance against every metric, and optimise the health of your business.

Contact us to enquire about a Healthcheck
We conduct in-depth business messaging market research, interviewing around 300 companies annually across the messaging ecosystem. We also run surveys on key topics and collaborate with mobile operators who share anonymised mobile insight data.
Our work with key trade bodies and industry forums keeps us ahead of developments. Combining diverse source insights with annual findings over the last ten years has led to the Messageverse—a data universe of over 70 million data points that our customers can access freely.
Our research spans 200 countries worldwide, providing forecast and actual data for each country.
We publish market analyst and data reports on A2P SMS, WhatsApp, CPaaS, RCS/RBM, and data soley for Facebook and Viber. Our messaging market reports cover topics like AIT, OTP, and A2P SMS fraud. View examples of our reports here.
Access our research through an annual subscription for in-depth intelligence by channel, as a snapshot country-specific data report, or as bespoke intelligence, like whitepapers or workshops.